Quitters Day! (Don’t be a Quitter – be a Winner!)

Today is Quitters Day – the second Friday in the Month of January,  often less than 2 weeks out from New Years Day.  It’s the day most of us give up on any New Year’s resolutions we may have made. We stop going to the gym, start back drinking and smoking, and give up on the latest diet that we may have begun.

Gosh – I look back on my old journals and cringe when I see all the weight loss goals I had in there and what I wanted to do by the end of the year.  I have to set them again the following year as I never reached them. They go back quite a few years I’m sorry to say – and its really no wonder a lot of us are just plain old giving up on setting New Year’s Resolutions at all!

We give up on goal setting because we keep failing to reach them – and doing that over and over again breeds discouragement and creates a pattern of failure.   But we may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we give up on goal setting at the beginning of this fresh New Year.   Theres is always power in a new beginning and we can take advantage of it, but we just need to make a little adjustment in our thinking.

You may have heard this saying.  

We over estimate what we can do in the short term, and under estimate what we can do in the long term.

Setting overly optimistic goals and trying to lose 20 kilos by the end of February is a short term goal – one that we have over estimated our ability to actually reach.   This is where the Tortoiese Diet Method comes in because the key strategy in there is to actually lower your goals but extend the time over which you want to reach them. In that way, we are much more likely to reach them!  So don’t give up on the goals or resolving to improve your life – just give yourself a bit more time and make your goal a bit more realistic!

We all know the story of the tortoise and the hare – it’s the hare that makes those outrageous goals and although full of enthusiasm and fervour at the beginning of the race – its long gone by the time it reaches week 2.   Quitters Day.   The Tortoise on the other hand understands the power of the long term and the value of taking small steps daily, in the right direction, towards the right goal and actually winning the race.

So I have long given up on dieting  -but like those of you who have given up on resolutions, I still want the result!  I still want to look my best and be strong and healthy – and successful at reaching my goals. Which is why I came up with the Tortoise Diet Method.  If you want to come on the journey with me this year and actually achieve what you have set out to do for years, then join me as I enter the second year of walking this walk with the Tortoise.   You can go to this link below and purchase the book or email me to find out more. Tortoisedietmethod@gmail.com.  


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